Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Little Pondering Thought

Happy Tuesday!

I contemplate God's thoughts when making man a lot when I am making bread.  For, when making bread, we take ordinary ingrediants: flour, water, yeast, salt....and we create something that looks NOTHING like what we started out with!  Making bread is making life...we carefully measure, carefully knead, and we must be patient and wait for the dough to be ready and risen for us to bake it to perfection.  

God waits on all of us patiently, after he creates us in His perfect image.  We just have to RISE to his calling!  How awesome is He?  How I long to be as forgiving and patient as He is!  

I hope you all have a wonderful week!  Cook, bake or create something amazing and give thanks to all we have to be thankful for!  

"Wait for the LORD; be strong and let your heart take courage; wait for the LORD"  Psalm 27:14

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